School Investigation, Mediation and Training — AW Law

Our attorneys conduct workplace investigations, mediation and training for schools and employers throughout Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: Our employment attorneys are available to act as independent investigators in workplace investigations involving alleged misconduct or harassment. We are experienced in interviewing witnesses and parties, compiling evidence, and drafting concise investigation reports.

SCHOOL INVESTIGATIONS: We conduct thorough, independent investigations for private schools and public school districts. We conduct investigations pursuant to all applicable Board of Education policies to assure internal compliance, and consider all employer responsibilities under applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws. Types of investigations may include:

  • Student or staff sexual harassment;

  • Title IX sexual harassment or assault;

  • Racial discrimination;

  • Bullying and harassment;

  • Board member or administrator nepotism;

  • Employee leave policy violations

  • Acceptable use policy and/or social media violations.

EDUCATION-FOCUSED MEDIATION: We help schools, employees, parents and students resolve educational issues efficiently through non-binding mediation. Mediation may help resolve issues regarding:

  • Employee contract and severance disputes;

  • Teacher and staff working conditions;

  • School district residency for students;

  • Student attendance, absence intervention;

  • The provision of FAPE under Section 504;

  • Service plan disagreements for private schools/students;

  • Bullying and harassment;

  • Parental rights and responsibilities;

  • Provision of school transportation by public school;

  • Community school and sponsor disagreements.

STUDENT, PARENT AND/OR SCHOOL EMPLOYEE TRAINING: Our attorneys, advocates and affiliates provide education-related training on various issues, either individually or in a group setting. Training is customizable for any school or group. Topics include:

  • Racial and gender sensitivity training;

  • Anti-sexual harassment training (training on school policy and Title IX);

  • Fraternity and sorority risk mitigation and management;

  • Fraternity and sorority leadership;

  • Restorative justice and disciplinary alternatives;

  • Student professionalism;

  • Teacher-student boundary training;

  • Positive coach-athlete relationship training;

  • Student privacy training for school employees (FERPA).