k12 Suspension + Expulsion RepresentatioN
(For College Code of Conduct or Academic Misconduct, click HERE)
OHIO: (614) 745-2001
MICH: (248) 487-1645
PENN: (215) 234-1732
We represent students in suspension and expulsion hearings. Since we began representing students in 2014, we have developed and refined a method to help our clients address code of conduct allegations squarely and in-depth, which often leads to the elimination or reduction of the educational sanctions that would typically result from these proceedings. We represent students of all abilities.
Recent Representative Suspension/Expulsion Cases*
Represented an 11th grade student in an expulsion hearing; Student was permitted to finish the school year online without an expulsion on his record AND is able to complete additional courses to graduate 1 year early.
Defended 10th grade student in an expulsion hearing after he engaged in a fight with another student in the bathroom, resulting in a full abeyance and immediate return to class.
Assisted an 8th grade student in preparing for and attending an expulsion hearing after he brought banned contraband to school; after explanation of circumstances, expulsion was avoided and student was immediately able to return to classes.
Assisted a 6th grade student in an expulsion hearing after he made an inappropriate comment on the bus. The school understood that the student should not receive an expulsion for his behavior and agreed to place the expulsion in abeyance and allow the student to return back to school after his suspension was up.
Represented 5th grader in an expulsion proceeding, resulting in an abeyance ("set-aside") agreement, allowing the student to attend in an alternative environment for the remainder of the semester.
Assisted an 11th grade student in the expulsion hearing process after she defended herself from an unprovoked attack from another student. The school recognized the circumstance and chose not to expel the student.
Achieved reduced suspension and avoided expulsion for a HS student who made an inappropriate comment. Expulsion was quickly taken off the table and the District agreed to end the suspension early, allowing the student to return to school the following day.
Successfully secured a path for re-entry into high school for a student falsely accused of a hate crime who had initially been expelled.
Assisted a client accused of bringing prohibited items on school property with expulsion hearing, resulting in an agreement to place expulsion in abeyance, allowing the student to finish senior year and graduate on time.
Avoided an expulsion and received a modified suspension for a first-offender student accused of vaping on school property.
8th grade student was recommended for expulsion. After informing the school that they violated many of the student's rights, the school agreed to take expulsion off the table, which allowed the student to return to school the following day.
Successfully assisted an elementary school student in securing counseling in lieu of expulsion for behavioral issues.
Helped a student obtain placement into a specialized education program and avoid expulsion following a mental health incident at school.
Student was disciplined for behavior that was not intentional. The disciplinary record did not reflect that the student had no intent. We worked with the school to change the “charge” on the disciplinary record to make the disciplinary record more accurate.
Successfully appealed an expulsion for a high school student who brought drug paraphernalia to school.
Successfully represented a middle school student in an expulsion hearing, preventing their removal from school.
Assisted in expunging a student’s entire disciplinary record after the school violated the student’s due process rights.
Helped a HS student avoid expulsion after being accused of using a water gun on private property.
Avoided expulsion for student incorrectly accused of making threatening statements toward other students.
Middle school student was suspended with a recommendation for expulsion for fighting. This student had several behavioral referrals previously that the district considered. However, in the hearing we were able to show that these behaviors were (1) the result of a disability and (2) were a reaction to many incidents of racism. The school agreed not to expel the student and we worked with them to initiate accommodations and a plan for reporting future incidents.
After MS student made inappropriate but private statements to a friend, we helped the student get a proposed expulsion set aside so student could return to school, continue classes and learn from his conduct.
Avoided expulsion for a high school student mistakenly accused of vaping in the school restroom.
Avoided an expulsion for a student with ADHD where the conduct in question was impulsive and likley a manifestation of the student’s disability; allowed the student to return to school with school-provided counseling support.
Middle school student was suspended; however, the disciplinary record was misleading and the school initially denied the parents the ability to appeal. We communicated with school’s legal counsel and agreed to update the disciplinary records to reflect the actual facts.
Filed and later resolved a lawsuit against a private religious school after the school improperly suspended a disabled student and failed to provide due process.
Avoided an expulsion for a middle school student who initiated a fight with a student who had been bullying him.
Successfully avoided expulsion for student who accidently caused another student to lose consciousness.
Appealed disciplinary outcome to allow participation in end-of-year class field trip.
Avoided expulsion for a high school student who made an inappropriate joke at school. Provided school with additional diagnoses to update the student’s IEP in order to get additional services/accommodations in place.
Avoided an expulsion for a 4th grade student who was falsely accused of making a threat at the school.
Assisted a client in getting an expulsion (including the listed code of conduct violation) reduced following an incident that was taken entirely out of context.
A senior in high school was recommended for expulsion right before graduation for making an inappropriate statement. The student expressed remorse and had no prior disciplinary history. We worked with the school and avoided an expulsion in exchange for community service. The student was able to graduate on time, avoid an expulsion, and keep his college scholarship.
Assisted client in modifying expulsion for a middle school student, resulting in the student’s ability to return to school 3 weeks earlier.
School had concerns about middle school student’s mental health after he made some comments to other students. Worked with the school and agreed to an abeyance agreement in lieu of an expulsion, and then met with the school to discuss support services for the student.
Avoided expulsion for a high school student who made inappropriate comments on social media. Worked cooperatively with the school to update the student’s IEP to include additional services.
Worked with a school to modify an existing expulsion abeyance agreement without going through the expulsion appeal process.
Following a fight at school by a high school student-client, assisted the student to avoid removal from school and worked with the school to obtain anger management counseling for the student.
Helped avoid discipline and removal from school for a middle school student who made a social media post that was not threatening (included a list of his least favorite people in the class).
After MS student was suspended for 10 days with a recommendation for expulsion, we identified significant procedural errors made by the school, resulting in removal of the discipline from the student’s record.
Obtained disciplinary record amendment and partial refund from a private school for improper discipline and curriculum misrepresentations.
Middle school student with several prior disciplinary incidents, and with a behavior contract in place, was suspended with a recommendation for expulsion. Worked with the school to give the student another chance, avoided expulsion and secured additional supports for the student.
Secured alternative learning center placement in place of expulsion for student with a disciplinary history.
Successfully negotiated a short-term suspension for a student who had been recommended for expulsion by their district for allegations of bringing a "weapon" to school.
Obtained copies of witness statements in suspension appeal case after district refused to provide access to parent.
Secured behavioral supports and social work access for a student on an IEP who is serving a long-term suspension and attending school virtually.
5th Grade student was recommended for expulsion following extensive bullying and a false accusation. Worked with the District to avoid an expulsion and to provide safety for the student moving forward.
Achieved expulsion abeyance for 5th Grade student accused of damaging school property.
After 8th grade student was suspended and recommended for expulsion, we identified years of reported but unaddressed bullying, and the expulsion was averted.
For due process litigation, click HERE.
For special education disciplinary outcomes, click HERE.