Are you a college student or parent OF ONE WHO NEEDS HELP?

OHIO: (614) 745-2001

MICH: (248) 487-1645

PENN: (215) 234-1732



Our firm’s focus on student rights leads to better outcomes for students facing challenges in college. We work hard to protect the rights and futures of students facing discipline or dismissal from undergraduate and graduate schools. This includes the following:

Liz Abdnour, Attorney (MI, OH)

Coriann Gastol, Attorney (MI)

Jessica Moore, Attorney (OH)

Kathleen Mahoney, Attorney (PA)

Mark Weiker, Attorney (OH, MI, PA)

Megan Mitchell, Attorney (MI)

Jacquelyn Kmetz, Attorney (MI)

Complete the form below and you WILL receive a call to schedule a consultation.

Recent Representative College Student Cases*

  • Successfully helped a college student appeal a disciplinary suspension from her university on the basis that the saction issued was disproportionate.

  • Successfully negotiated an $80K+ settlement and retroactive record expungement/voluntary withdrawal for a doctoral student wrongfully dismissed from their program.

  • Worked with a college student who faced dismissal from his college program to craft an argument for reconsideration. Supported client as a self-advocate in drafting statements in response to departmental policy.

  • Successfully secured a grievance hearing for a student at a local university who was wrongfully dismissed from medical school.

  • Assisted a medical student through the University’s grievance process following academic dismissal; client is now enrolled in their master’s program and will graduate in 1 semester.

  • Following an initial denial, successfully obtained a retroactive withdrawal for a law student whose disability caused her to miss final exam deadline

  • Worked with a public university's Assistant General Counsel to advocate for a disabled freshman student and her service dog's return to campus housing following some adjustments to the nuances of rules/expectations of collegiate life.

  • Negotiated with a local university for a student's return to campus after a code of conduct investigation had been mishandled.

  • Assisted undergraduate student in appealing academic integrity charges and sanctions issued against her; University agreed to modify the sanctions to have a less severe impact on the student given the circumstances.

  • Mediated with a local psychology doctoral program to get a student back into classes after being wrongfully dismissed.

  • Successfully resolved a case where a student protestor had been criminally charged for trespass with all criminal charges dismissed.

  • Negotiated a settlement in a university misconduct case where a student who was initially facing dismissal right before graduation ultimately received their degree and was able to walk graduation. 

  • Drafted an OCR appeal for a graduate student who had been wrongfully dismissed from their program.

  • Successfully obtained readmission to a local nursing program for a student wrongfully accused of an ethics violation.

  • Assisted a college student negotiate an informal resolution of her Title IX Complaint, thereby resolving her case without the need for a formal hearing process.

  • Assisted a college student accused of cheating navigate the college's academic misconduct hearing process.

  • Successfully litigated grade appeal for medical student who was erroneously assigned a failing grade for a clinical rotation.

  • Successfully negotiated a settlement with a University on behalf of a Ph.D. student who was inappropriately removed from an educational opportunity.

  • Assisted a nursing student through her defense of an academic misconduct allegation, obtaining a “not responsible” finding. This allowed her to continue in the program and avoid the dismissal she was facing.

  • Successfully defended a graduate student accused of sexual misconduct by an ex-girlfriend; obtained an expert witness and presented the case at a hearing in front of a Title IX panel with effective cross-examination of complainant and witnesses.

  • Secured in-state residency through an appeal hearing on behalf of a former out-of-state student attending a state university, resulting in a substantial reduction in tuition owed.

  • Assisted international student receive a tuition credit when he withdrew and transferred to a new university after the allowed period of time.

  • Due to unclear and inconsistent policies, a college student client inadvertently missed a deadline that would have delayed her graduation. We worked with the university to secure an exception for the student, allowing her to graduate on time.

  • Resolved a sorority member’s pending investigation and possible discipline through a private agreement with the sorority.

  • Obtained reinstatement for a nursing student who failed required courses by documenting the unique and personal circumstances that led to the failures, leading the college to reinstate the student into the program.

  • After graduate student was dismissed from the program for academic reasons (despite successfully completing the remediation plan issued by the university), assisted the client in appealing the dismissal, resulting in a reversal and client’s immediate return to the program.

  • Advised college fraternity through an investigation alleging hazing activity within the organization; evaluating the organization's future in conjunction with balancing individual student rights to defend against accusations implicating criminal and university prosecution.

  • Assisted a college student in removing a class from his transcript following university error.

  • Helped a medical school student get reinstated into the program after anxiety and personal circumstances led to her failure of two courses.

  • After a college student was accused of violating a university’s academic integrity and professionalism policy and given the maximum sanction, we assisted the client in the appeal process resulting in a sanction that was proportionate to the conduct.

  • Obtained reinstatement and program graduation for a professional student with Tourette Syndrome accused of having a verbal outburst during and after an exam.

  • Helped an OSU undergraduate student obtain a “not responsible” outcome in an academic misconduct hearing after she was wrongfully accused of allowing a classmate to look at her exam answers.

  • Appealed a decision to dismiss a nursing student, which was rendered four days before her graduation ceremony. The appeal was granted, and the student was immediately reinstated and her degree conferred.

  • Assisted a former nursing student receive a partial tuition refund after the college improperly required the student to retake a class.

  • After over a year of investigation carrying over past his graduation and a lengthy hearing process, undergrad student found not responsible on all sexual misconduct charges and can accept admission offer to law school to begin his career.

  • Filed an appeal after a student was dismissed from a sonography program for mistakenly submitting another student’s assignment. After an explanation was provided, the school reversed the dismissal and allowed the student to continue in the program without re-taking the course at issue.

  • Achieved course passage and on-time graduation for a nursing student after she was falsely accused of cheating, a charge which came with the sanctions of course failure and missed graduation, by successfully appealing the bogus academic misconduct charge.

  • Successfully assisted nursing student through program reinstatement following dismissal.

  • Successfully worked with a college to change the dismissal of a graduate student to an academic withdrawal so the student could transfer to another graduate program.

  • Assisted a local university medical student with drafting a statement for a dismissal hearing and filing an OIE complaint for ADA violations and failure to honor academic accommodations.

  • Assisted college freshman in successfully appealing violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Drafted and filed an OCR complaint on behalf of a local college student who was denied appropriate disability accommodations during their final exam.

  • Drafted and delivered demand letter to university to reinstate student following dismissal from nursing program due to absences from childbirth.

  • Successfully obtained re-admittance to a local university nursing program for a student who had been wrongfully dismissed due to an alleged code of conduct violation.

  • Assisted in resolving a client's college-level disciplinary matter, including removal of the records from the student's education file.

  • Assisted graduate student in negotiating minimally disruptive sanctions in school discipline matter.

  • Assisted student with return to graduate school following leave of absence.

  • Recent Representative Education Litigation: HERE

*The results shown are not necessarily indicative of the results that could be expected in any other matter, as the circumstances of each case are unique and involve multiple factors to consider along with possible outcomes.

We advise and represent undergraduate students throughout Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. We also serve as an advisor to students nationwide in conduct proceedings, including at The Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Penn State University, Drexel University, Wayne State University, Miami University, Ohio University, University of Cincinnati, Kent State University, Wright State University, Bowling Green State University, University of Akron, Columbus State Community College, University of Toledo, Cleveland State University, Allegheny Wesleyan College, Case Western Reserve University, Franklin University, American Institute of Alternative Medicine, Aultman College, Kenyon College, Xavier University, University of Dayton, Central State University, Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C), Youngstown State University, Oberlin College, Otterbein College, College of Wooster, Ohio Wesleyan University, Sinclair Community College, The Modern College of Design, Columbus College of Art and Design, Ashland University, Ohio Northern University, Stark State College, Denison University, Owens Community College, Capital University, Wilmington College, Shawnee State University, University of Findlay, Blufton University, John Carroll University, Hondros College, Lorain County Community College, Antioch College, Cedarville University, Ohio Dominican University, Fortis College, Baldwin Wallace University, Malone University, Hiram College, University of Mount Union, Mount St. Joseph, Heidelberg University, Tiffin University, Defiance College, Walsh University, Urbana University, Notre Dame College, Marietta College, Wilberforce University, Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Terra State Community, Hocking College, Chamberlain University College of Nursing, Indiana Wesleyan University, and others.

We represent graduate students in social work, veterinarian medicine, arts and sciences, business, dentistry, education, human ecology, engineering, agricultural, public affairs, law, medicine, nursing, optometry, public health, pharmacy, and all other graduate school programs.

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