2024 Student Rights Conference FAQ & Registration

2024 Student Rights Conference FAQ & Registration

When + Where is the Student Rights Conference?

The Student Rights Conference will be held both online and in-person on Thursday and Friday, July 18-19, 2024. The in-person events will be held Thursday and Friday in Columbus, Ohio at the beautiful campus of The Childhood League & on Thursday only in Southfield, Michigan at Corewell Health Southfield Center. Free parking is available at both locations. Michigan attendees should park in the North Lot & navigate to Conference Room F48 (a map is available here).

What Topics are Covered During the Student Rights Conference?

Day 1 of the conference will cover special-education related topics, ending with an organizational panel discussion and complimentary networking reception. Day 2 will cover student and parental rights more broadly. A complete schedule for both days is available below.

Who Would Benefit from Attending the Student Rights Conference?

The conference will benefit parents/guardians of school-age children, as well as k12 educators and attorneys in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. The conference has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio for a total of 12.0 CLE hours (6.0 hours each day).

How Much Does It Cost to Attend?

The cost to attend the Student Rights Conference is $75 per day for early-bird registration (prior to July 1, 2024) or $100 per day starting on July 1, 2024. All registration ends on July 17, 2024 (the day before the conference). A $100 discount is available for groups of 10 or more that register together. We also have a limited number of need-based scholarships available for parents and guardians interested in attending. Please email mark@education-rights.com for group registration or scholarships. Individual registration can be completed below.

Is Lunch Provided?

No, lunch is brown bag or own your own. Lunch will be from 12:15-1:15pm each day.

Note: For Columbus in-person attendees, please note that it is Childhood League Center policy that nuts, tree nuts, fish and seafood, and any products that may contain nuts, tree nuts, fish, and seafood are NOT permitted in the center.

  • Click HERE for a list of available lunch and delivery options near the Childhood League (Columbus, OH)

  • Click HERE for the Corewell Health Cafe Menu (Southfield, MI)

Who is Organizing the Conference?

The conference is organized by Abdnour Weiker, LLP, a student-rights focused law firm operating in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Several scheduled sessions will be led by the education attorneys and advocates from the firm. Additionally, professionals and representatives from other student-focused organizations will be presenting and/or attending.

How Do I Sign Up?

To register for one or both days of the conference, please CLICK THE REGISTRATION BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. For any other inquiries, please email Mark Weiker, Esq. at mark@education-rights.com.


Day 1 (Special Education) — Thursday, July 18th, 2024 

8:00am – 9:00am Check-In/Coffee 

9:00am – 9:45am Session 1 - Special Ed. Advocacy Tips: Learning the Language of Special Education, with Renee A. Stromski, Esq. and Ruth Pack-Adler, Esq.  

This presentation provides valuable insights into the frameworks of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as well as effective strategies to collaborate effectively with schools and ensure that their children receive the support they need to thrive academically and socially. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of their rights and roles in the special education process, empowering them to become informed and proactive advocates for their children. Acronym Cheat Sheet.

9:45am – 10:30am Session 2 - Walkthrough Sections of the IEP, w/ Danielle E. Randolph, M.Ed, Ed.S., and Coriann Gastol, Esq. 

The presenters will delve into the intricacies of Individual Education Programs (IEPs), understanding their purpose, components, and significance in fostering inclusive education for students with diverse needs. They will highlight how an IEP serves as a personalized roadmap for students with disabilities, outlining their unique educational goals, support services, and accommodations. Ohio Timeline for Evaluation and IEP Handout

10:30 – 10:45am Break 

10:45am – 11:30am Session 3 - Negotiation Tips & IEP Team Building, w/ Mark A. Weiker, Esq.  

In this workshop, parents learn several core strategies for long term success in negotiating services and supports on an IEP. Team building is also introduced, along with practical advice on raising concerns and addressing disagreements effectively and productively. 

11:30am – 12:15pm Session 4 - Progress Reports & Data-Driven Goals, w/ Danielle E. Randolph, M.Ed, Ed.S., and Megan N. Mitchell, Esq.  

In this session, attendees will gain insight into the importance of progress reports and data-driven goals in IEPs, learn strategies for integrating assessments and observations into goal setting and progress monitoring, and understand best practices for aligning goals with student needs and aspirations. 

12:15pm – 1:15pm Lunch - Brown Bag or On Your Own

1:15pm – 2:00pm Session 5 - Behavioral & Emotional Supports, w/ Lindsay Sesser, BCBA and Amber Nichols, NCH Mental Health Specialist

Connection and belonging are the key components to a child optimizing academic and personal growth in the school environment. The provision of behavioral and emotional supports ensures that each child can access and benefit from these key components as they engage in their educational journey. 

2:00pm – 2:45pm Session 6 - Beyond K-12: Transition & Post-Graduation Planning, w/ Ruth Pack-Adler, Esq. and Megan N. Mitchell, Esq.  

In this session you will learn about graduation and diploma options for students as well as transition planning services. With our Roadmap to Successful Transition Planning, you will learn how you can work in conjunction with your child's school to ensure their transition from K-12 is successful and seamless. 

2:45 – 3:00pm Break 

3:00pm – 3:45pm Session 7 - Procedural Rights & Dispute Resolution, w/ Renee A. Stromski, Esq. and Coriann Gastol, Esq.

This presentation focuses on parent procedural rights under IDEA and Section 504, in which attendees will gain insight into how to request and use various free and powerful advocacy tools available through the Department of Education, including IEP meeting facilitation, mediation, state complaints, and due process hearings. Attendees will also learn about their right to informed consent and other procedural safeguards. 

3:45pm – 4:30pm Session 8 - Empowering Parents: Panel of Special Education-Focused Organizations, w/ Varying Representatives of Participating Organizations 

This session will introduce participants to the varying and multiple organizations that exist to support families of children with disabilities. Representative will be on hand to share the services provided and to answer questions from attendees.  

4:30pm – 5:30pm Networking Reception (In-person in Columbus and Southfield only)

Day 2 (General Education) — Friday, July 19th, 2024

8:00am – 9:00am Check-In/Coffee  

9:00am – 9:45am Session 1 - Student’s Point of View: A Different Perspective on Student Challenges, w/ Mark A. Weiker, Esq.  

From the experiences of a student rights attorney, this session will provide insight into the challenges that middle and high school students face in navigating school rules and avoiding discipline. The presenter will explore societal pressures and common disciplinary traps for students and provide theories on why student discipline rates are (again) increasing.  

9:45am – 10:30am Session 2 - The Shifting Landscape in Parent-Protected Speech, w/ Renee A. Stromski, Esq. and Coriann Gastol, Esq. 

This presentation will explore the evolving legal framework surrounding the rights of parents to express their views within educational settings. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the boundaries of parental speech under the new 6th Circuit case law and will understand the practical implications for educators, administrators, and parents. 

10:30 – 10:45am Break 

10:45am – 11:30am Session 3 - Know Your Rights: Education Records Laws in the Context of Public Records, w/ Mark A. Weiker, Esq.  

This session will cover student and parent rights regarding access to education records and privacy of education records, placed in the context of public records.

11:30am – 12:15pm Session 4 - Effective Strategies for Reporting and Addressing Bullying & Harassment, w/ Jessica N. Moore, Esq. and Coriann Gastol, Esq.   

This presentation will focus on the laws governing bullying and harassment in K12 schools. The presenters will discuss the requirements that schools must follow when bullying is reported. You will also learn best tips and strategies for drafting a comprehensive bullying complaint and for enforcing bullying and harassment laws and district-level policies. 

12:15pm – 1:15pm Lunch - Brown Bag or On Your Own

1:15pm – 2:00pm Session 5 - Detention, Suspension, Expulsion: Navigating K-12 Student Discipline, w/ Jessica N. Moore, Esq. and Renee A. Stromski, Esq.  

Join us as we explore the nuances of detention, suspension, and expulsion procedures, focusing on the rights and responsibilities of both students and parents. This presentation is designed to empower attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate student discipline challenges in K-12 settings. 

2:00pm – 2:45pm Session 6 - Swipe Right: Legal Insights for Parents in the World of Sexting + Social Media, w/ Ruth Pack-Adler, Esq. and Megan N. Mitchell, Esq.  

Attend this session to learn about the impact of social media on the lives of students. We will address the importance of caution and awareness in your student's internet presence and how the improper utilization of social media networks like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and more can lead to legal consequences for students. 

2:45 – 3:00pm Break 

3:00pm – 3:45pm Session 7 - Title IX Sex-Based Harassment; School Obligations, w/ Mark A. Weiker, Esq. and Liz K. Abdnour, Esq.

In this session you will learn about overarching Title IX principles, rules, procedures and policies. Learn how to navigate the Title IX process and understand student rights under Title IX, whether as a victim or accused party. This session will also include information on the new Title IX regulations scheduled to take effect on August 1, 2024, as well as information on what states have halted enforcement through legal action.

3:45pm – 4:30pm Session 8 - School Choice, Open Enrollment, & Special Ed Scholarships, w/ Danielle E. Randolph, M.Ed, Ed.S., and Mark A. Weiker, Esq.  

In Ohio and Michigan, parents have several options when it comes to their child's education. School choice refers to the concept and policy framework that allows parents or guardians to select the educational institution that best suits their child's needs and preferences. It offers families options beyond their assigned public school, including charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, homeschooling, online schools, and sometimes even public school options outside of their designated district (open enrollment). Families living in Ohio have an added component of school choice with the availability of several scholarship opportunities through the Ohio Department of Education.  

4:30pm Conference Closing


Questions? Email mark@education-rights.com