Renee Stromski, Esq.
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Renee Stromski is a Special Education Attorney based in Cleveland, Ohio. Renee practices statewide in Ohio and focuses her practice on special education law and disability rights. She represents a diverse population of special education students in all matters from preschool through post-secondary education, including direct advocacy and support throughout each step in the IEP process for students with disabilities. Her commitment to ensuring that every student receives the education they deserve has made her an indispensable asset to the Ohio legal community.
A native of Syracuse, New York, Renee initially obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Nazareth University in 2016 before earning her Master of Social Work degree from Nazareth University and the State University of New York at Brockport in 2018. While earning her master’s degree, Renee participated in the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) program, which inspired Renee to attend law school to enhance the power of her voice for students with disabilities.
Renee graduated magna cum laude from Cleveland State University College of Law in 2021, receiving several awards for her commitment to public service. Since becoming an attorney, Renee completed the necessary training to earn a certificate issued by Ohio State Support Team Region 3, which allows her to serve as a surrogate parent for students with disabilities. In her spare time, Renee enjoys volunteering in the community with her certified therapy dog, Finley, visiting local libraries and preschool programs for children with disabilities.
B.A. in Psychology, Nazareth University, August 2016
MSW in Social Work, Greater Rochester Collaborative MSW Program, SUNY College at Brockport/Nazareth University, May 2018
J.D., Cleveland State University College of Law, May 2021
Bar Admissions
State of Ohio, November 2021
Eastern District of Michigan, August 2023
Western District of Michigan, January 2024
Practice Areas
k12 Student Rights, Special Education
Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio, State Support Team 3, Surrogate Parent, March 2022-Present
Cleveland State University Law Alumni Association, Alumni Mentor, October 2023-Present
Therapy Dogs International, Registered Therapy Dog Handler, December 2017-Present
Publications + Appearances
Special Ed. Advocacy Tips: Learning the Language of Special Education
Procedural Rights & Dispute Resolution
The Shifting Landscape in Parent-Protected Speech
Detention, Suspension, Expulsion: Navigating K-12 Student Discipline
July 18-19, 2024
From Classroom to Campus: A Roadmap to Successful Postsecondary Transition
June 11, 2024
2024 Student Rights Conference
Navigating Ohio Minor Settlements: Strategies for Achieving Approval
January 31, 2024
2023 School Law Conference
Providing Safe Schools for All Students: An Overview of Public School Obligations for Bullying and Harassment
June 28, 2023
2023 Milestones National Autism Conference
All About IEPs
June 14, 2023
2023 Student Rights Conference
Ohio Restraint and Seclusion Updates
January 25, 2023
2022 AER (Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired) Ohio Conference
Legal Q&A for School-Age Providers
October 7, 2022
2022 School Law Conference
Procedural Rights and Dispute Resolution
June 29, 2022
2022 Student Rights Conference
Rights of Parents and Students Under IDEA and Section 504, simplified
January 26, 2022
Special Education Legal Clinics
Preparing for College/Postsecondary Training and Education - December 18, 2023
Procedural Rights and Dispute Resolution - June 19, 2023
Restraint and Seclusion and Threat Assessments - December 19, 2022
Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine
Autism and IEPs: Strategies for Success
March 2024, Issue 42, pgs. 6-8
Understanding the Basics of Open Enrollment in Ohio: FAQs for Parents and Guardians - February 20, 2024
2023 Ohio Summer Camp List - June 1, 2023
Making the Most of Progress Reports for Special Education Students & Families - November 17, 2022
Super Lawyers, Rising Star in Schools & Education, 2023-2024
Best Lawyers, Ones to Watch in Education Law, 2024
Recent Representative Cases*
Negotiated a settlement securing reimbursement to parents of attorney fees from the district
After a community school failed to hold an evaluation planning meeting with a student's parent, ensured the parent's active participation in the planning process to secure appropriate assessments for all suspected disability areas.
Filed an educator misconduct complaint against a teacher for improperly restraining a student with a non-compliant CPI hold, despite the student not posing a danger to himself or others, which caused the student to suffer lasting pain and visible bruising.
Following an initial denial, successfully obtained a retroactive withdrawal for a law student whose disability caused her to miss final exam deadline
Filed a complaint with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce regarding inappropriate restraint and procedural violations
Obtained a comprehensive BIP and secured a dedicated 1:1 aide in the general education classroom for a student with challenges in behavioral regulation and functional communication
Filed a FERPA student privacy complaint to the U.S. Department of Education regarding a teacher's improper disclosure of a student's personally identifiable information, including recent disciplinary consequences, in an email sent to another student's parent.
Successfully advocated for and implemented no-contact agreements to protect a student facing disability-based harassment, and contributed to a district-wide administrative change implementing parental notification for all bullying and harassment incidents involving their child
Avoided expulsion through a determination that the behavior in question was a manifestation of the student's disability, even prior to the district suspecting the student was a child with a disability.
Obtained placement change to home instruction for student with severe physical health ailments.
After filing a state complaint, obtained a determination that a metropolitan school district inappropriately changed the placement of 10+ special needs students.
Released private school kindergartener from tuition contract following disability discrimination faced at school.
Secured ETR and subsequent IEP for student with mental health concerns initially ignored by the school.
Secured placement for special education student in general education classroom with full-time aide.
Obtained a determination that a student's behavior was a manifestation of his disability while the student was undergoing initial evaluations for special education services, avoiding expulsion of the student.
Reduced the extent of discipline for a student with severe mental health difficulties initially expelled for offensive behavior at school.
Appealed and removed several inappropriate suspensions of first grade student undergoing special education evaluations.
Reached settlement with public school after a client with a mental health-related disability was disciplined, which resulted in securing immediate evaluations, re-conducting the student's manifestation determination review (MDR) hearing and amending the student’s IEP and discipline record.
Negotiated agreement for a school to pay for aide services, transportation, and ESY, as well as for reimbursement to parents for prior expenses and attorney fees.
Negotiated monetary settlement for student who was inappropriately restrained by school employees more than once over the course of a full school year.
Reduced financial responsibility and obligations for private school tuition for student who withdrew after the contract had already been executed.
Successfully completed probate court minor settlement approval process for minor client to receive proceeds of a negotiated settlement.
Secured accommodations of daily check-ins and access to an identified support person for student with social-emotional needs.
Avoided expulsion for a HS student in possession of a vape pen at school through a manifestation determination review (MDR) hearing, with a finding that the school failured to properly implement the student's IEP and BIP prior to the disciplinary incident.
Successfully avoided expulsion for student who accidently caused another student to lose consciousness.
Appealed disciplinary outcome to allow participation in end-of-year class field trip.
Submitted a detailed and comprehensive bullying complaint on behalf of a middle school student
Assisted homeschooled kindergartener in entering into the public school system at the first-grade level after school originally denied parent’s request.
Assisted a client in viewing video footage from an incident on the bus after the school district initially refused access.
Convinced school district to remove and destroy inaccurate and misleading special education records of a student.
Obtained abeyance agreement for entire expulsion for student who committed a serious code of conduct violations.
Filed an OCR complaint on behalf of student who was harassed on the basis of his race while at school leading to his ultimate dismissal from the basketball team, after the school failed to properly document or investigate any of the complaints made by the student and his parents.
Secured alternative learning center placement in place of expulsion for student with a disciplinary history.
Obtained copies of witness statements in suspension appeal case after district refused to provide access to parent.
Avoided expulsion through determination that the student's behavior was a manifestation of his emotional impairment after he posted an inappropriate photo on Facebook.
Ensured specific and measurable IEP goals were in place to accurately measure student progress.
Overcame a motion to dismiss ADA and PWDCRA claims against the State of Michigan, City of Detroit, and other local governmental entities that inappropriately denied access to their buildings and programs to several individuals with disabilities.
Advocated for student placed in ED classroom to be pushed into the general education classroom full-time while only being pulled to the ED classroom for behavior management services and breaks as needed
Assisted special education school in drafting an official policy regarding the Procedure for Dealing with a Student in Mental Health Crisis
Secured agreement to mediate alleged special education violations following expulsion of middle school student.
Drafted and delivered demand letter to university to reinstate student following dismissal from nursing program due to absences from childbirth.
Negotiated a resolution on behalf of a HS student who had been unjustly disciplined and deprived of appropriate special ed. services, which included reimbursement of attorney fees, enrollment and transportation to an alternative program, as well as the removal of disciplinary file and unexcused absences.
Successfully obtained a comprehensive safety plan for a student experiencing harassment due to her disability, including measures to minimize or eliminate contact with the students who previously harassed her, assurance that she is never alone with administrators, and the ability to directly report any disability-related complaints to the superintendent
*The results shown are not necessarily indicative of the results that could be expected in any other matter, as the circumstances of each case are unique and involve multiple factors to consider along with possible outcomes.